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Z Steel Soldiers

time:2024-07-10 visits:23

Despite the fairly active development of the Android platform, not all game genres were fully represented within the framework of this project, and one of them was the beloved real-time strategy genre, but this was only until recently. With the release of an RTS called Z Steel Soldiers, owners of Android devices got into their hands a strategy comparable to such cult games of this genre as StarCraft and Red Alert. Z Steel Soldiers - the plot of this strategy develops on the planet Regal, after the conclusion of peace between the Transglobal empire and the Megacom corporation, peace has reigned here again and this is to everyone’s advantage, but not to our hero Zod and his iron soldiers. By coincidence, our heroes found themselves drawn into an intergalactic conspiracy, having learned what they were not supposed to know at all, and now they have no choice but to restore justice in the way they are capable of, namely through destruction. A company mode with 30 huge levels, 6 unique worlds, dozens of units and of course such familiar gameplay will await you.CPU---Android OS2.3.3Open GL---Free Space 21.85 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newAdded fast game mode (beta) Fixed errors with texture rendering Improved graphics, shaders Armor and shield bars are now always displayed New achievements Update history-----

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