Easy moneyPlayers in idle arcade for rummy momentAndroid are invited to open factory for the production of chicken eggs. In Idle Egg Factory, you need to unlock production lines, automate the processes of creating, packaging and selling eggs in order to make a fortune. At the disposal of the players will be several dozen chickens, numerous buildings, improvements, a spacious farm and favorable conditions.
Addictive gameplayDuring the whole game, you need to acquire new chickens, improve their conditions, install additional conveyor lines and carefully pack eggs in boxes. You can download free idle arcade for android and start developing a small but profitable business. The more rare breeds of chickens you have at your disposal, the more money you can ea. It is necessary to open new production lines, improve their level, automate the process of assembling and packaging eggs, as well as communicate with suppliers and conclude lucrative contracts. Gradually, it will be possible to reach a new level, expand farmlands and hire experienced employees to care for pets.
CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 53.52 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newBugs fixed.
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