Fill The Fridge is a relaxing puzzlefor android devices. Interesting levelsA unique puzzle game for android in which you can prove yourself as a real perfectionist and fully enjoy the aesthetics you have created. The scenarirummy sattao of this game is incredibly simple: after going to the hypermarket for groceries, you retu home and now you need to fill the refrigerator, and do it with maximum responsibility and a perfectionist approach. Are you ready to organize the perfect food storage space? Easy and funPlaying Fill The Fridge is very easy, thanks to intuitive controls in one touch and interface, as well as beautiful 3D graphics and meditative background sounds. One of the most important tasks in Fill The Fridge will be not only the correct filling of the refrigerator shelves, but also the layout, because there are quite a lot of products and you need to correctly place them, otherwise you will lose.
CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 114.98 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newAdded new levels;Improved performance;Bugs fixed.Update history-----
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